Well. I wish you happy patrick's day.Okay, I hope you read my blog..As far as I noticed, a lot has changed here, even if I have been here for a few months..And I also noticed people here, a few of them who do not appreciate models or socialize with them.Ok.I understand that some of you people are too shy, but not in this instance. And some of you prefer to write to me in messages whisper ..Well respect that, but sometimes it matters to talk in public open chat to be even more fun and sociable right ?And it seems to me that you are expecting someone to tips me well in open chat or party chat and you will look at me something free ? That not is nice.If you do not agree, then you are not welcome in my room. Do not upset me, and I apologize if my english is not good, but please be patient with my english.So keep in mind, in life there is nothing free.Be respectful, you learn to respect models, appreciate models especially their motivation with your tips or privates.Have a good day.
Happy International Women's day! I know I'm a girl, but I know I said so because it's a wonderful and traditional celebration day for all the women. A wonderful day and happiness, as well as health.
I was waiting you ..
Happy Valentine for everyone, and more chocolate, a lot of happiness and health.
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